Sheep - Beef - Deer

Healthy soils, healthy feed, healthy animals, healthy profit.

Discover our step-by-step approach to nurturing healthy soils, optimising feed quality, enhancing animal well-being, and driving farm profitability.

  • Testing the soil is the starting point. We use an independent soil testing service which provides comprehensive test data presented in a format that is very easy to read and understand. This test includes a number of parameters not included in other tests. If you already have recent tests from another laboratory, we can process these in our audit program and prepare a recommendation. Wherever possible we like to have more comprehensive data, as it gives the necessary detailed information which makes the analysis process far more accurate.

  • We then work with you to create a totally customised soil and plant/ feed nutrient program for the season ahead. This can be to address a specific problem or an ongoing program that will keep your soil healthy and provide optimum feed for your animals.

  • By carefully analysing soil data and combining that with an in depth understanding of plant nutrient flows we design a customised fertiliser program to ensure your soil is optimised to capture and cycle Carbon & Nitrogen. A healthy Carbon/Nitrogen cycle = production, profitability & environmental compliance. Ecological efficiency will create soils capable of producing plants with higher nutrient density.

  • Sap testing is like a blood test for humans, it can highlight nutritional deficiencies, movements and excesses, often 2-4 weeks before standard tissue or ash tests can. By analysing leaf samples from both old leaves and new leaves it is possible to track movement and translocation of different nutrients throughout the plant, providing deep insights and more accurate nutrient application recommendations throughout the growing season. This allows you to adjust your fertiliser applications and/or supplements to ensure your animals aren’t missing critical nutrients.

  • To fine tune efficiency we can test your soil for naturally cycling Nitrogen. If Nitrogen is needed only the required amount should be applied. Any surplus will have a detrimental impact on your profits and the environment.

Experience the Fusion Fertiliser Difference

Advice You Can Trust

Locally owned and operated

Tailored solutions